Friday, December 7, 2012

New Blog Location

I have run out of storage/room on this blog, so I've created a new one under my other email.  The link to the new blog is:

Hope you'll come visit the new location!  Make sure you "favorite" the new link so you can check it often!



Sunday, November 18, 2012

Family Pictures

My mom was in town and what better way to take advantage than do family pictures at the Old Roswell Mill?!  Kara and Ricardo joined us.  It was COLD, but we had fun!  After taking pictures we went to eat just up the way at J. Christopher's!

Bailey Family

Lilah and Wyatt

Kara and Ricardo

Kara goofing around...

...and tormenting her hubby. 

Nana keeping her grand daughter warm

Jillian and Matt


Kara told Matt to smile, so this is what she got out of him.

After Matt and I did our pose, she wanted to do the same one. cute!

I am not sure if she is thinking about something or pushing something out.

Nana and her grandchildren

Once again, Kara is goofing off...

...still goofing off...

...and still...

...THERE!  Mother with her daughters.

All of us!

Wyatt up on a pipe

Kara and Ricardo

Ricardo is petting Kara


My hubby loves me!

Wyatt wanted to join us... did Lilah...

...waiting for Lilah to take off the huge coat...

...TA DAAAA!  

Getting ready for our photo shoot...

(not sure what we're looking at here)

...Voi La!

Kara and I are goofing around and doing sister pictures

I'm number one...

...She is number two (only a year, three months and a day younger)

Whups!  Where'd those birds come from?!?!

Nana and her grand babies!

Wyatt was being silly, too!

Walking back to the cars

Waiting to order...

...Miss Diva...



Lilah colored her "Ant Kawa" and Uncle Ricardo a picture