Saturday, July 21, 2012

Grandma Carol's Art Show and Dinner at the 57th Fighter Club with Aunt Kara & Uncle Ricardo

We went to check out Grandma Carol's (and Aunt Madelon's) first art show.  They had the nicest and best stuff there!  We hung out for a couple of hours and then headed home, but not before browsing the other vendors and letting the kids play on the fun things!  

Great location - at the corner and under a tree

EVERYTHING is hand made...

Madelon did the drinking glasses.  She can make them to order and got several special orders!

Betty and Carol

Chick-Fil-A cow gave the kids each a stuffed toy cow and the adults a free sandwich

Lilah got a bracelet

I actually knew Kathy Schrader!  She was friends with my folks from way long ago when they lived in Georgia.   Kathy did my name change (from my birth name to my step-dad's).  This lady is incredibly nice.  I said hi to her and she remembered me and my parents!  (BTW, Kathy says "hi" Mommy and Dad.)

Milking a cow and pumping water...

Get to work!

On the train

honking the "horn"

Playing with Papa

Waving to Mama! (me)

Wyatt is actually cuddling with someone!

He was also sucking on her shirt...left a big wet spot!

Get it?  Intoxicated and can't pronounced "deprived"! SO CLEVER!

Maddy and her friend Matt who helped the ladies with the art show.

To surprise me, Matt planned a lovely dinner at the 57th Fighter Club!  To make it even more special - Kara and Ricardo came!!  It was so nice to see them!  We sat outside watching airplanes land and take off.  

This plane just "sits" there, but there are planes nonstop that come and go.

Lilah and Aunt Kara are coloring

This beautiful bi-plane landed and parked right next to the patio.  People had booked a flight with this guy and he did a "door to door" service kind of thing.  The couples get to clamber into the front of the plane, go for a short flight and then get dropped back off. 

This jet landed while we were is amazing how all the jets' engines sound different.

Uncle Ricardo with Wyatt

Daddy in his aviator glasses...appropriate!

Towards the end of our meal, this guy came and parked on the OTHER side of the patio.  


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