This year Lilah wanted to do swim team. She has improved tremendously in the first two weeks of practice. Her coaches are amazing and sweet! Monday - Friday she has practice 8:00
- 8:30 am. It is a good thing she is an early riser (6:30am) and is bright eyed and bushy tailed for practice. She just had her first swim meet and did an fantastic job. She swam the entire length of the pool without giving up! Swim meets are Thursdays in the afternoon and Friday morning is a "free" Friday where they can play, get donuts and their ribbons. Lilah received 3 ribbons for the 3 races she swam.
We are so proud of her!
Warm up
Warming up for the races
The races have started!
Go Lilah GO!
This is Luke. He is a neighbor. He is very sweet and polite!
Erin is explaining something to the boys. She is a junior coach AND she lives next door. She is the one that usually helps Lilah during the practices.
Marie and Drew, Erin's parents, run the swim meets (and swim team).
Daddy made it in time to see Lilah swim her last race.
This is the next morning. She couldn't wait to get her ribbons!
Coach Robie is getting Li's ribbons.
This is one proud little swimmer!
Eating her donut!
She looks so big and official in her team swimsuit and goggles, ready to race. Adorable!! It looks like she has improved a lot just by the pictures...